Composed and gifted to Whakapara Marae by Nuku Tuhiwai from Korokota Marae, Titoki for the opening of Whare Hui (meeting house) ‘Te Ihi o Nehua’ to be used for any occasion to demonstrate connection to Whakapara Marae, Puhipuhi.
Ngā kaiwaiata: Charles Kauwhata, Dale Shelford Van Engelen, Ngahuia Notton, Maree Dunn, Maria Nepia, Maryanne Vogt, Merilene Kake-Horseford, Tepora Kauwhata.
Kupu Waiata
Kaea: Hukarere e
Huruiki – Huruiki te maunga
Whakapara – Whakapara te awa
Ngāti Hau – Ngāti Hau te hapū e
Ngāpuhi te iwi
Whakapara te marae
Te Ihi o Nehua whare tupuna
Te Tawaka e, ko te wharekai e
Te Aranga Ake o ngā Tūpuna e
Taharoa e
Whakapara te marae
Ngāti Hau te hapū
We are grateful to the support of whānau of Whakapara Marae for sharing their waiata as a part of our shared Kauwhata Rauemi (online resource hub) - enjoy!